Mouse Scroll Wheel Doesn’t Work in Fedora 17 in VirtualBox 4.1.10

I installed Fedora 17 alpha (KDE as my desktop environment) in VirtualBox but the mouse scroll wheel didn’t work. It was a regular two-button mouse with a scroll wheel. I had also installed VirtualBox Guest Additions. Thanks to Scroll wheel in debian guest after updating virtualbox from 3.x to 4.x, I was able to get the scroll wheel to work.

su -
vim /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-vmmouse.conf

Now make sure 50-vmmouse.conf looks like the following.

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier      "vmmouse"
        MatchIsPointer  "on"
        MatchTag        "vmmouse"
        Driver          "vmmouse"
        Option          "Buttons" "5"
        Option          "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Save file and quit vim. Reboot the machine and your mouse wheel should now work.

Remember to re-install VirtualBox Guest Additions (VBGA) after updating your kernel and then reboot. Otherwise the wheel stops working until you re-install VBGA.

6 Responses to Mouse Scroll Wheel Doesn’t Work in Fedora 17 in VirtualBox 4.1.10

  1. Anonymous says:

    Fixed my problem. Your post is much appreciated.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the fix, had the same problem with openSUSE 12 and VirtualBox 4.x

  3. Anonymous says:

    Have this same problem in Vbox 4.2.12 with Win7 Host and Linux Mint nadia(mate) guest.
    This fix works when linux is first started, but as soon as I switch to the win7 host and back the mouse buttons remap from “4 5” to “6 7” when I run “xev|grep button” to test mouse clicks.
    I opened a ticket at, let’s see if it gets any love or not.

  4. Sadettin Kültürel says:

    Try this:
    -Shutdown the machine if it’s running.
    -Go to ‘VM Virtualbox Manager’.
    -Select the machine and open its ‘Settings’.
    -Select ‘System’.
    -Disable the pointing device by removing the tick from ‘Enable absolute pointing device’.
    -Start the machine.
    Probably you will lose automatic mouse integration but gain scrolling function.

  5. Anonymous says:

    didn’t need to restart X. just added ZA option and it worked. Thank you

  6. Anonymous says:

    do have to add i’m on Fedora 20 and wheel worked fine yesterday