Qt4 Programming in Ubuntu

I am beginning to go in the direction I had mentioned previously on this blog: using Debian as server and Ubuntu as desktop. To learn how to do Qt programming, I decided to install Kubuntu in a virtual machine. So I grabbed Kubuntu Intrepid and installed it in VMware. But I just didn’t feel comfortable using KDE 4.x. So I installed Ubuntu. Programming should not be a problem; I just don’t know (yet) how to run my own Qt-based application in Gnome. By just running the application once it’s compiled, it works; you don’t need to install anything else (as far as I know). So far I have installed build-essential, libqt4-dev, libqt4-dev-tools, and qt4-designer.

sudo aptitude install build-essential libqt4-dev libqt4-dev-tools qt4-designer

As I start to program, I will provide updates. To learn Qt programming, I will be using the following resources: How To Create a Linux Desktop App In 14 Minutes For Beginners (Using QDevelop and Qt4); C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4; Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4;

To setup my environment, I chose to create a folder for each exercise I would be doing. For example, if it was my first exercise, I did the following:

mkdir /home/me/exr1
cd /home/me/exr1

I also use vim as my editor. So I followed a simple formula: all exercises in their own folders, and each exercise’s main() function in main.cpp. So I created a main.cpp file in exr1 directory.

vim exr1.cpp

Once you have written your code and want to compile and run it, do the following steps:

qmake -project (create a project file)
qmake (create a make file appropriate for your system, which is Ubuntu in this case)
make (compile your project using the make file created in previous step)
./exr1 (run the application)

Since after every change I would have to run the above commands again and again, I created an alias for them in bash.

vim /home/me/.bashrc

And add the following line to the .bashrc file

alias runexr1="cd /home/me/exr1/; qmake -project; qmake; make; ./exr1;"

I opened a new terminal window so that the new alias is now available. And each time I would just run runexr1 after making changes to the file. It would not only do all the compilations, but also execute the application.

One Response to Qt4 Programming in Ubuntu

  1. hs says:

    The same can be done in Debian Lenny with Xfce 4 as the desktop environment without making any changes to these instructions.